Become a Develop Individual Member!
Develop Individual Membership supports and validates your professional growth in the field. An Individual Membership in Develop offers you the ability to:
- Build a complete, accurate, and private electronic record of your professional achievements and store them in Develop’s secure database.
- Showcase your achievements by displaying your Career Lattice Step certificate!
- Participate in Parent Aware.
- Apply for grants and scholarships.
- Apply for Develop’s Trainer, Course Writer, and/or Relationship Based Professional Development (RBPD) Specialist memberships.
Get Started With Individual Membership
Individual Membership Companion Guide
Your go-to guide for understanding Individual Membership.
As part of your Individual Membership in Develop, you can send documentation of your professional achievements to Achieve to have them verified on your Develop Individual Profile and Learning Record.
Career Lattice Steps
The Career Lattice steps are a guide for all Early Childhood and School Age Professionals in Minnesota. Every Develop member is awarded a Career Lattice step based on verified education and professional development achievements by Achieve.
Develop Approved Training Hours
Search for Develop Approved Training Hours and register for Approved Training Events that best support your Professional Development goals! The quality of all approved learning opportunities found in the Develop system are important for the success of the Early Childhood Education workforce as well as for the children they educate and care for. Minnesota’s Professional Development system relies on feedback to ensure quality expectations are being met.
More Resources
Looking for more resources to support you on your professional development journey? Check out the Individual Membership Resources page for links, guides, and more!
Develop Navigation Support
Navigating Develop is easy with the help of the Develop Help Desk and “How do I?…” guides.
Contact the Develop Help Desk Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with extended hours on Tuesday and Thursday until 7 p.m. by phone at 844-605-6938 or email at
Need help after hours? Send them an email or leave a detailed message.
Individual Membership Application Processing
We use the Develop system to process all Develop membership application submissions. Complete membership applications are processed in the order they are received. This ensures your application is processed fairly and accurately. Allow up to 30 business days for Develop Individual membership processing.