About Achieve’s PER Status

What is PER?

Achieve – The MN Center for Professional Development is a proud member of the National Workforce Registry Alliance (NWRA), a private, non-profit organization of state registries and professional development organizations that provide services to the early childhood and afterschool workforce.

Under the NWRA membership, state registries can apply for the Partners in Employment Reporting (PER) certification which assesses the state’s operations to determine if their policies and procedures meet high-quality standards and promote best practices for data collection. Achieve was awarded PER certification by the NRWA in 2017 and has since maintained the certification.

As a PER state, registry data collected from the Minnesota workforce is recognized, assessed, and incorporated into a national dataset to analyze trends, draw connections between education and wage, inform policy at the state and national levels, influence workforce initiatives and allocation of funds, and strengthen collaboration with other national partners. 

Achieve was honored for their 15+ years as a NWRA member at the 2023 NWRA Conference.

What is a Registry?

A registry, sometimes called a “workforce registry,” is an information system that:

    • Recognizes professional achievements and commitment to continued growth.
    • Defines and identifies high-quality professional training opportunities.
    • Places individuals on a career level based upon verified educational information to provide a standard framework for professional growth.
    • Captures data to better understand the workforce.
    • Informs policymakers and partners.

Achieve, the Minnesota Center for Professional Development is Minnesota’s Registry, and Develop is the Registry tool we use to do our work.

The Minnesota Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) uses verified aggregate data from Develop to learn more about the state of Early Childhood Education in Minnesota and make informed policy decisions. Don’t worry! Your Data Privacy is always a top priority for agencies using Develop. Aggregate Data is a summary or collected data that cannot be traced back to one person. When you have complete and accurate information verified in Develop, you help inform good policies and support increased compensation for the field.