Resources for Develop’s RBPD Membership

RBPD Endorsements

Develop currently offers 13 pathways for approval. Each pathway is called an RBPD Endorsement. Most of these endorsements require verified employment with a specific agency. Review each endorsement and its requirements by selecting the option that matches your employment status below.

RBPD Endorsement Renewal Hours Form

Use this form to track and document your RBPD renewal training hours for your endorsement. A separate form is required for each endorsement you need to renew.

Tips for RBPD Supervisors

This one-page tip sheet was designed to help RBPD Supervisors effectively support and guide their team of RBPD Specialists.

RBPD Endorsement Criteria Changes: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Current RPBD Specialist

When it’s time for your RBPD Membership to expire and you renew in Develop, your RBPD Endorsement application will be processed based on the new criteria (pathway one or pathway two). Upon approval with the new criteria, you will then have until your next expiration date to complete the new renewal requirementsFor complete details, visit Achieve, Minnesota Center for Professional Development for information on each endorsement’s specific criteria.  

Yes, you will need to renew your RBPD Membership to update your CLASS Endorsement expiration date even if your RBPD Membership expiration date is Current.  

The RBPD Application/Renewal process will be very similar to the current process. Each RBPD Endorsement will be supported by a new and improved requirement overview resource.  Achieve, will continue to review all RBPD membership applications and required documentation in Develop in the order they are received. They will also continue to provide RBPD membership application approval and renewal support.  

​No, you are not limited to Develop approved hours. Achieve will be reviewing the RBPD Professional Development Plan for the course title, date completed, number of hours and the signature of the RPBD Specialist. Information on professional development options will be available for you and your supervisor to consider if you want ideas for possible offerings.

​Keep in mind, if you are also a Trainer, the hours you complete to renew your Trainer membership do need to be approved in Develop.

No, professional development hours can be used to meet the professional development hour requirements for all endorsements you hold; however, a separate professional development plan will need to be submitted for each endorsement with the hours listed. Achieve MNCPD will look for the total number of professional development hours documented during your Endorsement period  

Log in to your Develop profile and access your Reports tab. There, you will find a link to your KCF Learning Record; you can find the total hours listed under Employment History.

No, Achieve will not verify employment. You must enter your employment history under the Employment tab on your Develop profile. Past employment does not need to be verified to be counted towards the employment requirements for Endorsements with a second pathway.

You can use Develop’s Reporting Employment for Individuals Help guide for guidance or contact the Develop Help Desk for real-time profile navigation support at

You can begin completing training hours toward your next renewal on the first day of your RBPD approval. You will receive a Professional Development form that lists your approval and expiration dates. The training hours you list on this form must be dated within this date range.

For example, If you submitted your RBPD membership application on 7/23/2024 and your application was finalized on 7/24/2024, your training hours can fall between 7/24/2024 and 7/31/2029 to count for your next renewal.

Once your Professional Development form is filled out and shows ALL* completed renewal hours, you can send the form to after submitting your RBPD renewal application online in Develop.

* All completed training hours must be listed on this form, even if they appear verified on your Training tab/Learning Record.


Yes. Up to 30% of your recorded hours can involve RBPD Mentoring from another endorsed RBPD Specialist, with a cap of 15 hours for five-year endorsements, 9 hours for three-year endorsements, and 3 hours for one-year endorsements.

Mentoring experiences can be listed on the RBPD Documentation Form as RBPD mentoring with [INSERT NAME OF RBPD SPECIALIST], [CURRENT ENDORSEMENT]

Supervisors of RPBD Specialists 

​All relevant work leading group care* can count toward the work experience requirement of pathway two. This includes consecutive or non-consecutive years of employment and is not limited to Minnesota-based employment.

​*Refer to endorsement criteria for definition of specific job roles that count toward leading group care.

No. The RBPD Endorsement criteria are the baseline criteria for that endorsementAgencies can set their hiring criteria at or above the RBPD Endorsement Criteria based on the agency’s needs and the communities being served.  

Develop’s Trainer Directory

RBPD Specialists can participate in Develop’s public Trainer Directory under the RBPD Specialist option. This directory allows Training Sponsor Organizations, Center Directors, Family Child Care Providers, etc. to connect with approved RBPD Specialists for their coaching/mentoring needs. As always, participation is always optional. Check out the Trainer Directory to learn more.

Partner Resources

Our partners in supporting the ECE field have many important resources that may be relevant to you. A selection is linked below.

Glossary of Terms for Minnesota Early Childhood and School-Age Care Professionals

MN’s professional development system is full of acronyms, abbreviations, organization names, and special terms. We at Achieve have compiled this Glossary of Terms for Minnesota Early Childhood and School-Age Care Professionals as a quick reference to define key terms seen or heard by Develop profile owners and users.

Develop Navigation Support

Navigating Develop is easy with the help of the Develop Help Desk and “How do I?…” guides.

Contact  the Develop Help Desk Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with extended hours on Tuesday and Thursday until 7 p.m. by phone at 844-605-6938 or email at 

Need help after hours? Send them an email or leave a detailed message.